Monday, 20 March 2017


What are your challenges? How are you planning to engage with them?

I was first introduced to this painting when studying Philosophy at University (where this painting was proposed to adequately capture 'existentialism'). It came to mind as I have encountered 'challenges', not least managing full-time employment (and I am an elected local councillor); and spending two nights per week and each Saturday and Sunday studying.

However, once I have commandeered myself through this I can then start my own 'higher order thinking' around:

  • What platform will suit the 'pedagogy' that I am thinking; when I get my opportunity
  • What will be the most user friendly for me (what will not be; but how can I master this or slowly introduce it to my lesson planning; so my pedagogy is not a 'one trick pony'; but refreshing for the learners)
  • Be therefore committed to continual professional development in the ICT space; my view is - it is rapidly changing so fast and a whole generation of learners are using ICT as part of their upbringing; as a responsible educator - how to make sure my lessons and therefore use if ICT is contemporary and relevant! But importantly with the view to 'optimising' learning and the learning experience for students.

Planning to Engage with them:

However, once this initial reaction dissipates; I approach the challenge: let me understand this and progress through; we are being taught this for a reason!


  1. Hi Adam. I love that painting or was it actually a photo of me!!!
    Time management is tough, especially with SO much to read. Congratulations on managing this with a full time job. I'm enjoying your blog so thank you for sharing your thoughts. Cheers Beth

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yass congrats on combining both study and full time work and sayonara to your social life..

    I'm fairly confident you already posses higher order thinking!! ���� haha... and with a philosophical backgroud.. geez!

    .... And how exciting that we as pre-service teachers (venturing very shortly into the role of facilitators in the classroom) are being gifted with these new Gen Zer's!! I'm so excited to be involved in the movement back towards self lead play based learning that ICT facilitates... and the fact that it is now encompassing older children... How cool that we (as the teachers) can play and learn new things in our own workplaces with the kids in our classes.. If you google play based learning or talk to any older teachers in the early childhood sector (so that's P-3) (I think) play based learning really has only been a concept in those lower years (once again I think..haha)... as we move higher in our education system "academic achievement" really stomps out play... and experiment.. I know it did for me as a high school student sitting in rows listening to the teacher... blah blah blah up the front. SOOOooooo I think your commitment to continual professional development in the ICT space will definitely pay dividends when you are a "teacher" involving ICT in the classroom...

    Let the kids help you too in your learning curve of ICT introduction..... Everyone loves to feel encompassed and valued.

    Happy Blogging Adam.

  4. I may just cut and paste this into my blog and be done with it.

    1. No harm done if a reference point is added!! ha ha

  5. Thanks again Anna; appreciate your comments. Yes; I am getting rather excited as I work toward my first opportunity to be in front of a class - and as you say - be a co-learner with our students.

    Interesting also you mention the concept of 'play' and perhaps fun; I currently work for a National Not for Profit organisation - and we partner with High Schools across SA, and deliver wellbeing and learning solutions to disengaged and disadvantaged students - through the FLO (Flexible Learning Options) strategy:(this is a passion of mine, ensuring early intervention for disadvantaged young people - to enable participation in learning)

    In one of our off-site learning centres we have just introduced 'Friday Soccer', and the uptake rate (both boys and girls) that has translated to increases in learning participation has been profound - to introduce 'fun' into a young persons life through exercise and group activity - and all the flow on effects re: healthy lifestyle, teamwork etc - just speak for themselves, especially with this cohort of young people.



  6. Om my goodness yass.... What such fantastic results... and.... Its so easy to turn any situation into fun.. and with that up goes the engagement...

    If I can draw on my little boy.... again... I can nag nag nag to get up the stairs and have a shower... NO RESPONSE! If I say "Race you to the shower"... I'm literally barged out of the way; haha its just amazing to watch.. MAGIC even haha

    We absolutely all need to embrace the FUN in our classrooms!!! He he

    Happy Blogging..
